Thursday, September 29, 2011

Open Activit

Answer the following questions:
1. How and where do you insert the memory card?

2. Where is the on/off button?
3. Where is the Record button?
 The half circle button on the camera.
4. Where is the zoom?
The up and down button.

5. How do you playback video? Press the MODE button and use the JOYSTICK to swith to "My Works" mode. Or press the Play/Pause button ( ) on the left side of the LCD monitor.

6. How do you enter the menu items?
Press the mode ke to get to Menu.

7. What are some menu features?
Nightshot, Picture Resolution.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Open Activity

1. What is a Wide shot sometimes called?
(Establishing shot)

2. Give the definition of a wide shot.
(Show setting and surroundings establish location)

3. Give the definition of a medium shot.
(Less settting, more detail,
focus on specific area.)

4. Give the definition of a tight shot.
aka: close up
lots of detail


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Camera Test

Notetaking on Camera Techniques

• What seven items should you bring with you when you are shooting an interview?
(Clocks Tick Tock Making Heads Pound Loudly)
Camera, Tape, Tripod, Microphone, Headphones, Power Source, Light Source

• Shooting into a light source = Button to adjust =

• You always want the light _____________________.

• On what object should you focus the camera?

• No tripod=Bad

• Date and Time= This is permanently recorded on tape. When would we want the Date and Time permanentl stamped on tape? NEVER!

• SP/EP= Standard Play on tape/ Extended Play on tape

• Camera shoots in: Standard Play.

• Pre-Roll: 2-3 seconds before ou start your interview, Begin recording so we can edit without cutting off words.

• Post-Roll:


***BACKGROUND: Dynamic= Has some depth, not plain. Interviewer is at least 6-8 feet from wall, Interviewer IS the shot, not the poster.

• Interview Shot= 2 Eyes and 1 Ear

1 Shot= For show

• 1 Shot with graphic=

• 2 Shot=. For a show

• Establishing Shot

• CU- Type: Close up

• MS-

• LS-

• ECU-

• Wide-Medium-Tight

• Rule of thirds- Tilt is up, titlt is down.

• Shoot Matched Action

• Get Sequences

• Tilt- up and down

• Pan-

• Zoom- maginifies your image.

• Dolly/Truck-

• Nat Sound-

Open Activity

1. What is a sound bite?
Piece of interview you use in your story.

2. What is B-Roll?
Footage of whatever you're covering.

3. A-role is?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Open Activity

The title of this article is "The Gospel According to Justin Bieber". The angle of the topic is it may be suprising to his fans (all though I am not a fan). Some Christians as myself find it interesting that he has a relationship in Christ. This story would fall under a promince. If I could show any footage I would show him reading his bible.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Open Activity

1. Where is the reporter's stand-up?
(The middle)

2.Where does Bob Dotson say is the best place to put a stand-up and WHY?
(The middle)

3.How many key main points does Bob Dotson say should be in the Middle of the story? (Support them visually, make them clear and sharp, standup.)

4. What are the key main points of "The Boys of Winter"?
Old men playing baseball.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Open Activity

Fundraiser helps uptown fire survivor. It's suppose to help this roomate who survived the fire last week in Minneapolis. His other roomate didn't survive. All though the surviver lost all of his belongings and has been in the hospital for a while. The resturant he worked at is having a fundraiser for him. They shut down the day they found out about the fire. I hope they raise enough money in order to help him. I also wish him the best of luck and my heart goes out to the loved ones of the victim who died.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open Activity

Scientist over the years have been studying cancer. Over the years we've discovered new things. Back in 1971 President Richord Nixon signed a thing on cancer. Then we thought cancer was cells that muliplied now we know their are many diseases to it. The number of deaths have gone down a huge amount.
U.S. have dropped by 22% for men and 14% for women between 1990 and 2007. And in 1975, only 50% of people diagnosed with cancer could expect to live for another five years; now nearly 70% do. This article would fall under "significance".

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Open Activity

Ruby Bridges was one of several African-Americans in New Orleans to take a test to determine which children would be the first to attend integrated schools. Back in those days African Americans went to seperate schools. When she did go to a white school their were people that would protest and throw things at her. She showed she wasn't afraid despite all that happened.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Open Activity

This story falls under unusualness. A driver in Minneapolis ended up driving into Lake Calhoun early Sunday. The driver claimed he had no brakes. He was apparently driving too fast down hill on East 36th Street. Which he ended up being charged for reckless driving.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Open Activity

Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11, shoot their classmates and teachers in Jonesboro, Arkansas.
4 students were killed including one teacher. 10 other people were wounded. The two boys were caught afterwards. Both boys were raised around guns. They were in shooting clubs.  The boys were underaged so they couldn't be charged as adults. Both were realeased when the turned 18.

What I would broadcast is something a bit violent. Because violence does get people's attention and can make people more aware of it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Open Activity 9/15

In Sanna, Yemen Explosions rocked 2 goverment securities Thurdsday morning. At least 4 were blasted over the course of the hour.

My opinion on this is that it's a such a tragedy. My heart goes out to the victims.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Open Activity

As summer is still here gardeners should be ware of the cold front coming through. In the Twin Cities and in Southern Minnesota is under a freeze warning. Things such as fruit won't be able to survive the cold. But things such as tomatoes, peppers and many of vegetibles can be covered by a sheet. I think that it's a bummer because my family grows fruit in our little garden in our backyard. All though the tomatoes will be fine looks like we're done with the strawberries until next year. I thought that the artical was somewhat important because it warns farmers to cover their veggies up before it gets so cold here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Video Game

Recently Google+ has decided to have a feature where you can play games online. I think that they can get users to play their games but I don't think it will be nearly as popular as Facebook's game selection. For one I think it would be generic, like having an MP3 player instead of an Ipod. I don't really see the need for Google to try to make more money considering they already make millions.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Open Activity

Yesterday on September, 11 2011 was the tenth aniversery of the attack which three planes hit the World Trade Center. During the tenth aniversery a memorial was held in New York for those who's lives were taken from the tragedy ten years ago. Their were nealy 3,000 names. It was all broadcasted over the tv. Each one who spoke had lost a loved one.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Open Activity

In Madison Wisconsin they have a new policy on alcohol citations. Any student caught drinking with under aged will be required to enroll in a special program. This program is called The Brief Alcohol Screening and intervention. Students will also be required to be in counseling. Each student will have to pay approximately 78 dollars for one and 200 for two sessions.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shorter Stories

My partner Stevo's dog Roxi once had puppies. The worst day of his life was when he failed his driving test. His talents also include baseball and the guitar.

Stevo's best and worst day was his dog having puppies and failing his driving test while he also loves to play baseball and the guitar.

Stevo's best, worst days and talents.

News event

Two men are charged in a Minneapolis Shooting. One happened to be a 25 year old and the other a 23 year old being charged with second degree murder. Police say they were able to identify the two men.

Melissa's broadcast blog

The person I interviewed was Stevo. The best day he ever had in his life was when his dog Roxi had puppies. The worst day of his life was when he failed his driving test which meant that he couldn't drive. He also happens to play and be good at baseball. One thing no one knows about him is that he loves animals. One of his hidden talents is playing the guitar.